Our Products
We’re not just CRM experts – we’re also business experts.

Discover our products
Partner Relationship Management (PRM)
You’ve put your blood, sweat, and tears into developing a diverse sales network. The question is – how do you know what works and what doesn’t? Netwise PRM (Partner Relationship Management) can help you efficiently and effectively manage your partners, their onboarding and provide your partners with real-time support.
Netwise GDPR – a GDPR module for Dynamics 365
Netwise GDPR is a dedicated module which makes it easy for companies to comply with the legal and technical requirements of the GDPR. Even better, native integration with your Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM system means you won’t miss a beat.
Location Attractiveness Finder
Advance analytics (utilizing artificial intelligence, machine learning and data science algorithms) unlocks new sources of value creation and becomes a critical driver of competitive advantage by helping companies achieve new levels of performance at greater scale, growth and speed.
Cloud Document Generator
Cloud Document Generator from Netwise helps to automatically transform data from multiple sources into personalized offers, quotes, invoices, and brochures. In seconds. From numerous cloud sources.