Netwise qualified by Warsaw Stock Exchange to the NC Focus index

In the latest announcement of 2020-12-28, the Warsaw Stock Exchange announced that it classified Netwise to the segment of NewConnect companies (NC Focus).
According to the latest classification, the NC Focus segment includes 99 companies out of 374 companies listed on NewConnect. The criteria that the company has to fulfill are as follows:
At least five of the following conditions must be met:
- the average capitalization of the issuer exceeds PLN 12,000,000;
- P/E is greater than 0 and less than 50;
- P/BV ratio is greater than 0 and less than 10;
- the dividend rate is higher than 0 (the company paid a dividend);
- the book value exceeds PLN 1,000,000;
- growth of revenues for the last 4 quarters;
- growth of net profit for the last 4 quarters.
Financial results and continuous growth of Netwise for several quarters was reflected in moving Netwise S.A. from NC Base to NC Focus index.
More information on the NewConnect market segments: https://newconnect.pl/segmenty-rynku