Netwise is the highest-ranked Dynamics 365 partner among CRM providers in Poland and the highest-ranked Polish IT company among consulting companies, according to the Computerworld TOP200 2022 ranking
In Computerworld TOP200 2022 ranking Netwise is listed in several categories. In the most important for us, i.e. “The largest CRM Customer Relationship Management (CRM) vendors in 2021” and “The largest IT advisory companies in 2021“:
- Netwise is the highest-ranked Dynamics 365 integrator among all CRM providers in Poland;
- Netwise is ranked 6th among all CRM providers in Poland (including SAP, Oracle, Asseco, Comarch);
- Netwise is the highest-ranking Polish consulting company in the field of IT consulting and consulting
- Netwise is ranked 11th among all IT advisory companies (including EY, Deloitte, PwC, Accenture, KMPG, IBM, Capgemini)